Hot Spring Spas Blog

Personal Wellness Tips: Home Hot Tub Edition

  Improving your personal wellness doesn’t have to involve tedious treadmills, endless salads and hours of meditation. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is nothing. When you unplug, unwind and simply relax, you can free yourself from distraction, reduce anxiety and calm your mind. After all, the mental aspect of wellness is … Read More

Do Hot Tubs Help Headache Pain?

    Living with frequent headaches can make daily life seem difficult and trying, interfering with people’s ability to pursue an active, productive lifestyle. For some, no easy remedy or treatment seems within reach; despite what they’ve tried, the headaches just keep coming. Not even an apple a day keeps the headaches away.   Frequent … Read More

The Best Eco-Friendly Hot Tubs: Consider a Salt Water System

A large, seven-seat hot tub holds around 450 gallons of water. That might seem like a lot of water, but when you consider the fact that an average person sends around 100 gallons per day down their drains as a result of household activities, it’s really not.   A home hot tub holds about four days worth of water. … Read More

Is Soaking in a Hot Tub Before or After Exercise Good for Sore Muscles?

Like a soothing reset, your hot tub can help bring your body from stiff and overloaded to supple and rejuvenated. Heat therapy helps increase blood flow, stimulate healing, and relax muscles. In fact, you’ll benefit from soaking in the hot tub before and after exercise.   Studies have shown that both heat and cold therapy can … Read More

Hot Tub Exercises for Arthritis Relief

  If you’re living with arthritis, you may feel as if you’re missing out on life. The chronic and acute pain of arthritis can prevent you from working, make your favorite activities impossible to enjoy, and may even cause you pain when you’re sitting or lying down. The good news is that exercise helps ease … Read More

What Is the Best Massage Option from Top Hot Tub Brands?

  When you think of relaxation, you think of a massage. And one of the best parts of owning a hot tub in Bethany, OK is having a massage available to you at any time. There is no need to make a trip to a day spa or schedule an appointment with a massage therapist. … Read More